This week we have a guest post from my friend Taz. It’s not the kind of thing we’d normally go for, but as I can honestly say that she lives what she speaks, I’m delighted to host this post for her.
Don’t DO get me started!
If there’s one thing positive to come out of Covid19 it’s the boom to the online fitness industry meaning that there is a wide range of workouts to choose from. There’s so much choice from the king of PE Joe Wicks, to Kayla Itsines sculpting that summer ready bikini body. But how do you choose an online fitness instructor that is right for you?
Choose a live workout:
It takes a lot of discipline to set aside time for a YouTube workout, there’s always something else that will crop up. By signing up for a live workout you know that you have committed to being in front of the screen at a particular time, it’s harder to get out of! Live workouts also allow you to connect in real time to the session, and the instructor can see you and provide you with guidance for important adjustments and well-earned praise. A good workout should always start with around a 10minute warm up and finish with a cool down to protect you from risk of injury.
Workout your workout goal:
What do you want to achieve? Are you looking to build strength, sculpt muscle, burn fat or a way to switch of and relax? Set some short, medium and longer term goals, figure out what might stop you from achieving them and find strategies to overcome those barriers. There is always a solution to help keep that motivation in place.
Whatever the goal, you need to enjoy the process! Whether it’s a strength circuit session, pilates, high intensity interval training, cardio or yoga, you have to think what is right for you and keep your eye on those goals, reminding yourself of what you’ve set out to achieve. Telling friends and family what you want to achieve also helps to keep you accountable.
The Perfect Workout? 9 Steps to Find the BEST Workout Plan | Nerd Fitness
Combat the confidence:
If you are new to working out, the idea of starting can fill you with dread. You will worry you’ll make yourself look silly, that you don’t know what you are doing or that you’ll not even be able to keep up with everyone. The gremlins will creep in. But the truth of the matter is that a good instructor should help take that away from you by guiding you through the session. Everyone has had to start somewhere, learn the various movements and are continuously working on improving their own form. You’ll soon realise that everyone is focused on their own workout and very quickly you will feel familiar with your new surrounds, and more importantly, gain fitness.
Gym Anxiety – Fighting the Exercise Fear! –
7 Ways To Overcome Exercise Anxiety (
Find the time and prioritise:
Your health is the most important and valuable thing you have, and it needs to be prioritised. If our body is healthy, so will our minds be. If our mind is healthy, we are happier and achieve more. It’s an upward spiral of positivity. So, whatever the barrier whether it be work, children, tiredness that generally takes over, try to make some tweaks to your weekly routine and find an online workout that allows you to do what you can. Even a couple of short 15 minute sessions throughout the day will help you reach that recommended level of 150minutes of activity a week.
Get active your way – NHS (
What now?
If you are keen to start working out and need a friendly helping hand, do get in touch at and we can do it together. You won’t look back!
Taz x